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10 Tips For New Parents: From Birth To Three Years

10 Tips For New Parents: From Birth To Three Years

Deciding to start a family is one of the most monumental decisions you’ll ever make. On top of that, it’s going to entail quite a few adjustments. No matter how prepared you think you are, there will be moments when you question your sanity and wonder if you can do this again. And again. And again. But if we’re being completely honest, having your own baby is undoubtedly one of the best things that has ever happened to you because it means that you get to spend the rest of your life with this person too! After all, what better way is there to meet someone than by bringing them into this world? Here are some tips from a new parent on how to ensure your new role as a parent goes smoothly from birth up until about three years old for toddlers:

Begin with a newborn checklist

Having a baby is a huge decision, and it’s natural to have a million questions running through your mind. Make sure you have answers to all your questions before making the decision to have a baby. You need to know everything about pregnancy, labour, delivery, and postpartum. Whether you’re planning a home birth or going to a hospital, you need to know what to expect. Pregnancy checklists can help you stay prepared so you can focus on giving birth and caring for your baby.

Put together a basic diaper bag

Yes, you’ll be back to work much sooner than you anticipated, but that doesn’t mean you should forget your baby. While you’ll want your baby with you in the moments that follow birth, you also don’t want to become so engulfed in your new role as a parent that you forget about yourself. Keep your priorities in mind by putting together a basic diaper bag. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but it needs to have essentials your baby will need while you’re away from home. diapers formula snacks a change of clothes a bottle warmer a car seat (if you plan to use one)

Don’t forget the sun screen

One of the easiest things you can do to ensure your baby’s wellbeing is to make sure he or she has a sunscreen when outside. Babies’ skin is incredibly sensitive and will burn much faster than an adult’s skin. Be sure to get a sunscreen that is safe for babies’ skin, including one that is designed for babies. You can get these from your local pharmacy or grocery store. You’ll also need to make sure that the sunscreen you choose is water resistant so you can keep on protecting your baby’s skin for longer. You also need to make sure it doesn’t contain harmful chemicals that could be harmful to your baby’s developing body.

Set up a feeding routine from the beginning

As a new parent, it’s easy to get into a routine of formula and breastfeeding. While you may be eager to take your little one into your arms and feed him, you need to remember that your baby is still a little bit new to being a baby. He may not be able to eat solids yet. If you’ve been breastfeeding your baby, it’s important to set up a feeding routine. Think of this as your baby’s meal plan for the next few months. Set up a schedule for your baby to follow so he knows what to expect and eats when you want him to eat. This will help you to keep a schedule, too.

Stay on top of napping and sleeping habits

With each passing day, you’ll notice your little one’s personality and behavior changing. You may notice a difference between napping and sleeping habits, for example. If your baby seems unable to settle down for naps, or is waking up frequently during the night, you need to ask yourself if he’s getting the rest he needs. Are you letting him nap in front of the TV or on the couch? Could you let him sleep in a bit later? Your new little one is going to test your patience at times, but you need to remind yourself that he’s still a baby. He’s not able to understand the need for sleep just yet.

Encourage your little one to talk and learn new words

As your baby starts to learn, you need to make it a point to talk to him and encourage him to use new words. This will help him to develop his vocabulary and speak in full sentences as he grows older. You may remember that your parents always used funny words when they were growing up, and your little one might appreciate them as much as you do. Your baby may not understand every word he’s said, but you need to make an effort to use new words every once in a while. You can use this as an opportunity to practice your baby’s name.

Wrapping up

New parents are often keen to make their way back into the workforce as quickly as possible, but you need to remember that your baby needs you. He’s not ready to be on his own yet, and he needs to be able to rely on you for his nourishment, his cleanliness, and his safety. New parents need time to adjust to the new role and adjust to not being able to work 24/7 like they did before. Take your time and make sure that you’re ready for the responsibility that comes with caring for a baby. Once you’re happy with your new role, you’ll be able to get back into the workforce much, much faster.